03 Oct Seven on our Seventh!
It’s the 7th anniversary of TATE’s founding. For a number of reasons, I find the number 7 fascinating.
As I look back over these years in the context of what’s happening today, there are things I want to share, that are very relevant to our times. It also answers the one question that’s been asked often: ‘What makes TATE tick?’ It’s an answer that pans out into seven practices we’ve followed through these years.
There were times when it has been incredibly challenging to stand by these practices, to maintain our integrity, differentiate ourselves and thrive. But we have ensured there has been no compromise.
Fulfill possibilities, not vacancies
We have always believed that behind every candidate is a person with untapped potential, seeking the right opportunity for fulfillment. Stories abound of candidates who may not have got the position, but they have gone on to become close friends, and some even clients.
Let your axioms speak louder than words
Being in a people business, we have discovered that emotions often govern decisions and behaviours. Our endeavour to establish leadership governed by both head and heart, has led us to act with conviction on a set of values.
Don’t burn bridges, someday you’ll need them
Building bridges with new people, without burning the ones with the old is an irreplaceable maxim. We strongly believe in long standing professional relationships that can get only deeper in course of time.
Short term agendas, lead to long term regret
Meticulous attention to creating a unique relationship experience, from the first call to the on-boarding and beyond, has no substitute.
Speak the truth, at least don’t lie
We have never glossed over uncomfortable truths or mistakes but have lead the way by addressing issues openly and honestly, with the objective of doing right, instead of just being right.
Resist the popularity game
Over the last seven years, all our business has been acquired via word of mouth. Almost all our clients have now become friends whom we partner in business.
Respect the person before the position
People matter. And they need to be respected, no matter what. Reason why we have never left a call unanswered, always responded to email communications within a day.
As we continue in our attempt to align in fitment of individuals and organizations, we hope to do our best in the next 7. Do wish us well!
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