08 Apr Man up and let hope arise!
It’s ok to feel fear. It’s not ok to make your people carry it. ~ Mark Cole
Saying that there are no two consecutive good hours in the life of a leader, wouldn’t be too off the mark in times like these. Leaders at the edge, are compelled to make split-second decisions of immediate import, as well as those of destiny-altering impact.
Amidst it all, leaders too are subject to the same human frailties as anyone else. We too feel fear and are all dealing with it in our own organisations. The only difference is that there are higher expectations from and greater responsibilities put on leaders. Simply because the proverbial buck travels no further.
As infection and mortality rates ascend and uncertainty soars, stock markets, business projections and morale plummet. There’s no business thought leader, strategist or mentor alive today, who’s seen anything close to what we have.
This brings us to the question: How do we lead during perilous times?
Be available – Lead from the front, and let people feel your presence. Extend a hand (albeit remotely), touch hearts, speak to the place in their souls where fear may have taken root. Understand that Covid-19 though a protein, is causing dormant fears to surface. If being available is the only thing you do, so be it.
Acknowledge fear, don’t feed it – Acknowledging what’s really going on is the first responsibility of a leader. That which you fear will grow… that which you confront will ultimately go.
Watch out for passing rainbows – Celebrate good news, small wins, individual accomplishments. All these aggregated daily, amounts to much. You are the grand weaver of your organization; it’s time weave a brilliant tapestry of hope, on a day-to-day basis.
Predict cautiously, hope abundantly – It’s anybody’s guess how things will pan out. Your people are not seeking predictive answers. The question behind most of their questions is: How do I get by today, tomorrow and the day after? The seeds of hope you plant in their hearts, will build expectancy and get them through the dreary days and the long dark nights of uncertainty. When this is all over, that’s the one thing you’ll be remembered for.
In closing, there are three things all men seek in life.
- A dream worth living for
- A person who can help them get there and …
- the hope that they will meet the first two.
As a leader, there’s no better time in which you can create all three for your people… and fulfill your own goal, of living a life of significance. Comments welcome…
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