PepperTree People Solutions

PepperTree People Solutions specialises in mid to senior leadership search for clients pressing down on the accelerator that drives business results

We are specialists in “off-the-C-suite” leadership search

PepperTree People Solutions is a division of TATE LC. The division specialises in mid to senior leadership search. This newly launched endeavour is fired by the growing need from our clients for talented and experienced individuals, to take on the increasingly complex and interconnected ecosystems that organisations and businesses operate in.

Brand PepperTree – A spice off the old block

Our pneumonic rests on the triangular-shaped solidity, so symbolic of TATE LC. It features the individual who is always our focus. The colour green symbolises the freshness of the PepperTree story, its relevance and meaningfulness to client needs. The leaves take on the colours of TATE LC and are metaphoric of a spirit that’s always in full bloom.

The PepperTree Philosophy

PeppperTree brings to the table the same philosophy, operating principles and practices that have distinguished TATE LC Leadership search results for nearly a decade.
The speed of digital innovation accelerated by the pandemic has intensified the pressure to innovate in every business. It’s also increasing the gap between true innovators and the also rans.

Looking for NextGen Leaders

PepperTree is cognisant of the need for Individuals who are fired by their vision, competence and people skills to be placed in organisations that harness these skills towards producing extraordinary business results.
Given the tectonic shifts in the global business scene and the demand for newer business models, hiring the right people is critical to the success of the C-suite.
To stay relevant to client needs, PepperTree follows the very same leadership search philosophy of TATE LC. To be firmly grounded in reality, yet exuding a rare dynamism and perception of the client mandates even while maintaining discretion, discernment and relevancy.